Monday, March 31, 2008

It has been too long...

since I have said my last thank yous! That sure doesn't mean I appreciate it any less! We were out of town and then I was having some computer issues this week. And there are so many to thank! I will begin with Christine Foley helping us out with a meal when we were still mending from our sickness. She brought over a fantastic Taco Bake that all of the children raved about, definitely a recipe I would be interested in getting! Thank you Christine! After that we were treated with an incredible pot roast that has set me on a quest to find out exactly what was in that roast that made it taste and smell soooo good! That was given to us by Kristen Lindblom, a very busy lady herself who gave of her time selflessly! Thank you Kristen!

Taking a break here from the meals, we got a refrigerator!!! The Gratz's had an extra one and they were looking for a home for it! It is really helping with leftovers and yet again less stops at the store for milk! The Barnes came over and installed it which was no small feat! Backtracking a bit, our good friend Nicole B came over to help me clean. Now you know it has got to be pretty bad for me to allow someone to come in and help me clean, but I felt like I was drowing in the mess after being laid up for so many days. Thank you Nicole for making me feel so comfortable about it all, you are a true friend! The next day we were blessed by a meal from Diana Robertson, something I had never had before but really enjoyed. It was a casserole that tasted like Chicken soup! So perfect for the children, thank you Diana!

We went out of town and then came back to a meal in the cooler, a yummy tuna bake with soup on the side! It was perfect since I did not have much in the house after traveling. Thank you so much Georgia for the wonderful meal. And to finish it off I just have to say "you can never have too much pizza!" We have been blessed with two families who have ordered out pizza for us on two consecutive days, Sue Manley and Kathy Fulton!! There were many smiles from the children as the boxes came to the door each day! What a treat! I know I have said it before and I will say it again, I am supposed to be losing weight, not gaining it, but with all of this wonderful food.... well, it is difficult! I am hoping to at least start walking off some of this *ahem* extra me!

And what is a post without pictures, as I promised I am posting a few more of our trip back home. You can really see how all of the little ones have grown, being that it had been so long since we had seen all of the neices and nephews, my focus was really on them! Again, I just really had so much fun at home. I want to make sure to also thank my brothers for taking the boys for a time, they really had a good time! And I also want to thank my sister for such a great time, having our great sister talks makes the trips home so important to me!

Becky's children..

Jerry's youngest "petting" P. She was fascinated with her. The children look a little grungy since this was taken moments after waking up. We had such a good time with them at our sleepovers!

Jerry's children had a very cool camera by Vtech that M was fascinated with. Maybe another photographer in the house?

M got along so well with Jerry's oldest, they have already starting writing one another

Grandma and J at the tea party, our oldest will always be our "little girl"

I had to include a couple of Mark's little girl. I am so excited I was able to get a couple of shots of her since she is quite the mover!!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures Mary! I can't wait to see them!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are really fun, Mary. Come back and stay with us again...Julia said that she was saving her money (about 5 cents) so the cousins could come again. I don't know how she connected all that, but she definitely wants to see them!

Mark, if you're reading this, we're praying for you and hope you are well.