Saturday, January 19, 2008

Busy week

Well they say a picture is worth a thousand words and thank goodness, because I couldn't possible blog everything that we have done in the last week!! I will post pictures of some of the highlights. Please know that we are being taken care of by all of our generous friends and people who have extended themselves to our family!!

Remember L. Vacarro? She surprised me with a wonderful meal and a couple of days later her daughters made us a chocolate eclair cake! Oh my goodness, I think I ate about half of it myself! It gave me a chance to see our goddaughter Sophia, what a sweetheart! They have been checking up on us to see if there is anything we need.

On to J Westphal, she has been absolutely incredible, what an angel to have put in our lives at this time! I can't believe how much she has done for us and all the while being a very busy person herself. It amazes me when I hear of all that she does! She belongs on that elite list of supermoms!!

We met Joe Hennes (forgot the camera, will post picture later) a guidance counselor at Brookfield East, who also owns his own restaurant called Sloppy Joes. What a really nice guy! He is providing us a meal of wonderful Italian food from his restaurant once a week. Wow, wow, wow!! I told him when you come home that we will have to go and visit him at his restaurant! The generosity of the people towards our family is overwhelming!!

A huge thank you goes out to the Fergusons for helping with dropping off Mark from gymnastics!
E Schlosser came with one of my fav's for a meal the other day, Tortilla soup! I have been eating the left-overs for all of my snacks. Everyone enjoyed the meal very much. E came over on a day that I was having some difficulty with A. She knew just what to do, she is so intuitive! She took him on a walk, and he came back a different little man. I appreciate the time you gave E and the shoulder to cry on, thank you so much!

O.k., I am having difficulty focusing on writing with the noises of the children so I will go on to posting...

Beer, brats, Harley Davidson and bowling!! That is how I have always described Milwaukee to people from out of town. We had a great time with the McMani clan at the local bowling alley and then on to their home for a wonderful turkey dinner! Thanks so much you guys for a really great time!

B and friends after seeing her score

I guess this score was not as great as the last one :)

M was having a really bad hair day, but a great time bowling!! He spent half of the game upside down trying to figure out how the balls were coming back up again through the machine.

Caught this picture right before the ball landed! Gotta love those boots!! I swear he is so silly when it comes to what clothes he will or will not wear.

Here he is again decked out in his army hat and no, I did not iron the children's t-shirts, they are lucky when it makes it into the drawer!!

Here is C with her great toss of the ball!

Watching it go, go, go!

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