O.k., it is getting to the point that I am embarrassed to let people know there has been more sickness in the house. Honestly, people must wonder if my house is that dirty or something. For the last two weeks my youngest two have been dealing with Roto virus. I wasn't sure what it was until my youngest got it, it is sooooo nasty!!! Needless to say it has been a good week of staying put at home and doing a lot of holding P. I have however made a huge dent on spring cleaning since being home so much and that feels great!
During this sickness the meals and help has been very much appreciated!! I truly needed the help with not being able to get out much!
First of all a big thank you to our neighbor Didier for keeping an eye out on the ice situation and plowing us out. I love the days when I can get the children in the van at the top of the driveway!
O.K. doing it once was understandable, but twice? I was so embarrassed to say that I got the van stuck again on the driveway again. This time I was going to pick up the children from school and proceeded to back out of my ice skating rink driveway, when I literally slid backwards three- quarters of the way down the driveway until I was sideways and very stuck in a snowbank! I had tried to turn around at the top, but with the ice it was impossible to do and then I could not get straightened out again. Oh well, thank goodness for our good neighbor Al again! He came and pulled me out no problem, thank goodness for that! He and his son also surprised us with a wonderful meal! They came over with it steaming hot, how comfy!!
I was not able to get out to get groceries and so my neighbors, the Schoepke's, went out and did the shopping for me! I am so grateful to them for what they did for our family, it was such a huge help!
We had a wonderful meal of Sloppy Joes from Barb Burton. The children had just been asking when we could have sloppy joes and so it worked out perfectly! We loved it Barb, thank you!
Our good friend Jennifer Collins made her way out here during the sickness to visit and drop off a meal. What a good time I had, even though it was short! She has been offering to do so much for our family and I appreciate it so much! She brought our goddaughter with her and the only thing I wish I had done was take some pictures, she is so adorable!! Maybe this summer I will get one to show you!
I truly appreciated the meal Pat McQuade brought over and the only sadness I had was not being there to meet her!! Because of the driveway I had to put the cooler at the bottom of the driveway and when I came home it was filled! Thank you so much Pat, we loved every bit especially the yummy chocolate muffins!
We also were blessed by Michelle Croegert bringing us a meal of KFC (we love that stuff!). She has been the one who drops off Joe Henne's meal on Thursdays, but Joe was out of town. Thank you so much Michelle!
Our good friend Carrie Jensen brought us a yummy meal and again it was so appreciated!! Thank you so much Carrie, I know that is a far drive. When are we going to do another coffee night?
A big thank you goes out to Jim Bowers for running out and bringing me salt! It is hard to find in the stores right now!
And last but not least, a neighbor Ron Schmidt, saw us walking down the icy driveway the other day. He turned around and asked if he could put some salt at the bottom of the driveway. When I came home I found he had completely shoveled the driveway and put down salt. Such a huge, huge help, THANK YOU!!
I truly am being spoiled and I never could have imagined such an outpouring of love and care. I am not sure that I will even know what to do with food when you come home, do you realize I have hardly had to cook since you have left? This is so helpful! It not only allows more time for me with the children, but it also has decreased my time at the grocery store, this is a very big help! Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!!!