Thursday, February 14, 2008

Our Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day, although we definitely felt your absence. My day started out real well because our neighbor Didie came and scraped off the ice on the driveway. He then drove the van up the driveway for us, what a relief!! We had a red dinner complete with Joe's Spaghetti dinner, kid wine (sparkling grape juice)salad, chocolate covered strawberries and some cookies that Mary Forecki brought us. This woman is a wonder when it comes to baking!! She has come over with wonderful pies, cakes and meals since you left, all of it being very delicious! She has been such a wonderful help to us on our busy night. The younger ones look forward to her coming to read stories and the older ones enjoy the help with studying their homework. It allows me to get the kitchen somewhat in order before it gets so late. I really appreciate her help, and the children and I have grown very fond of her! Thank you so much Mary for giving of your time and opening your heart to our family!

Mary Forecki made these wonderful Valentine cookies for us (below) with the children's names on them. YOu and I had one with both of our names on it together :) Want to hear something so sweet? B decided that she wanted to mail her cookie to you so you could have it, then M thought that would be a good idea too.
All of a sudden A had this look of horror and he ran up to me and hugged me while crying. He was so upset that he had eaten his cookie and now it was too late to give it to you. Yes, my heart melted... We decided we could give you one of the other cookies with the heart on it, since he is so good at coloring hearts. He was so relieved when I told him that!

our yummy strawberries

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