Wednesday, February 27, 2008

All alone with the crows...

I titled this about crows because this is the title J made up for the poem she wrote. I love it when our children are creative and deep! J has always been known for that and this poem shows it real well. We went out in the yard and took a picture of what she saw when she wrote the poem, the only thing missing is the crows, she definitely wants the crows in the picture.

Before I get to the poem though, I would like to tell you who has been helping us out this week! We had a real treat with homemade pizza, a delicious salad and garlic bread on Sunday from Jim and Deb Bowers. It was so yummy! Thank you too Deb for the weekly call, it means so much! On Monday Becky Bierce brought over a yummy taco bake, my absolute favorite type of food is Mexican, soo good! Thank you for coming all the way out here and bringing the meal, again I wish I had not missed you!! We also had received a meal from J Elfelt called Polka Dot pie, a clever name for a very healthy meal! Of course it was delicious, you know J Elfelt, she is the queen of homemaking with style! Thank you Julie!

Now on to J's poem..

All Alone With the Crows

All alone in the blank white,
what a personal sight,
feeling deep thought,
cannot be bought.

Alone with black birds,
alone with white snow,
My thoughts, who heard?
My thoughts, who knows?

No one knows, no one knows but God and the crows.

1 comment:

susan said...

This is a very good poem, J! Keep up the good work!