Thursday, February 14, 2008


M has been having a difficult time with you being gone, it is really starting to hit him hard. I would say I did not notice any problems until this week, so he definitely could use some prayers. I had asked for some for J and really it was like a miracle how she changed! I am so grateful for all of the prayers, I know that is what is holding me up! So at this point M is the one who could use a boost. Here is a picture he drew today. He came home and started working on it right away, it says so much! It is a picture of you leaving on a plane and down in the right hand corner is our family. I am holding P on the far left and we are all crying with tears on our face. I really think it is interesting how large he made the heart balloon, I'm no psychologist or anything, but could that symbolize his love for you? Click on it to see it larger.

1 comment:

brenflag said...

I love your blog. You have such beautiful children. I thank your husband, you and the children for your sacrifice for the rest of us. You are all in my prayers.
Thank you VERY MUCH!
Brenda Cornelius
Flagstaff, AZ