Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yum, Yum!

We had some generous souls brave the cold and snow to bring us meals in the last week and I am so grateful!!

Lori Harrell brought an amazing meal of pot roast and all of the fixings! I have to figure out what she did to it, because it was soooo goood! (Are you willing to share?) She also came out in subzero temperatures, thank you so much Lori!

Christy Cool, (isn't that the coolest name ever?, yeah, I am sure you hear that all of the time :)) brought a wonderful meal with very yummy chocolate chip cookies. She also was kind enough to check up on me later after seeing I had succeeded in getting my van stuck in a snowbank at the end of the driveway. Thank you Christy!

On to getting my van stuck in a snowbank, I am embarrassed to say that I did. In 6 years I don't think I have ever done that, but of course when I was supposed to be somewhere on Mon night I got the van stuck instead. It's just that with groceries in the car, I REALLY wanted to make it to the top for the unloading factor, let's just say I have learned my lesson.

Our neighbor Al had just offered the day before to help us out in any way that we needed, how timely :)! I am so glad he did because it took nothing for him to pull me out with his cable hooked up to his four wheeler. I am so grateful for his help and support of us!

We had some other helpful neighbors this week that came to try and chip the ice off of the driveway on Sun. Tom and Beth worked hard and long, but in the end I believe it will have to be a warm day that helps us out!

A big thank you to Julia Westphal for having our crew over and making me laugh harder than I have since Mark left! She and her family welcomed us in and made us feel right at home! We had pizza, made cupcakes and made some very "special" cookies that even the dogs would not eat after having a taste! We had used some "wrong" ingredients and well let's just say that I laughed so hard I was crying watching people (and the dogs) eat them! Thank you Julia for not only organizing such an incredible group of help for us, but opening your heart to us. I am so inspired by your kindness and gratful to God for our friendship! You keep me going with a positive attitude girl!

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